
Rant of frustration

Sometimes I just want find a cave on the side of a mountain where I can curl up and sleep for the rest of my life. I am so jealous of people who feel like doing things.....like skipping, or walking, or anything but sleeping.
The Gluten free diet was SUPPOSED to take care of it. The dairy free was supposed to help! I should want to go places, get back into my art, and have fun. What else can I possibly be allergic to? What am I doing wrong?
I have lots of things I want to do with my life...way too many to actually do. That's OK, I understand that, but when I feel like I can't do ANY of them I want to cry.

Oh I am so thankful that I have food and shelter, both arms, all my hair, and no cancer. I am thrilled that I have access to an education, the Internet, and medicine. I'm ecstatic that I get to buy every thing I need and most of what I want.......but I STILL want to feel good (is that so wrong?).


Weekend update with Gwen.

VROOOM ERK, VROOM ERK, VROOM ERK......If you live I'm my neighborhood I'm sorry. I finally got a car. And its a standard. All day yesterday I drove up and down the driveway trying to develop a loving relationship with the clutch.......HA!
Its fun though, learning new things is amazing and its added some much needed excitement to my otherwise uninteresting summer existence.
So my weekend consisted of:
*Driving practice (of course)
*Titanic the musical
*Indian Yoga
*Reading (Robert Heinlein....yes that's science fiction....:)
*Trying to make my tortoise, Rosyvelt, eat!!
and *shopping for yummy GF products!
Even my boring life is pretty interesting.....why do I feel so deprived?


OMGosh! Slow Down!

Sometime it seems my progression to adulthood is more of a crawl....or a scoot.....or maybe just a lean. Its like watching paint dry..or grass grow.....Its like paining grass and watching it dry as it grows!
I want to be a "big kid" so bad sometimes!! Mostly when it comes to moving out on my own. WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN.....I DON'T WANT TO BE THE CRAZY CAT LADY!!
Yet, days like yesterday when I overdraw my checking account or "forget" that something I used to love has gluten in it, I can see that I really need to be going slower....Take my time and breathe. I am a promise, I am a possibility...And I am growing up at an incredible rate already.
"I know the plans that I have for your says the LORD".....and sometimes I want to you stay put and learn.

Do you have a problem with out running your growth curve (grown ups too)?



I started the GF (Gluten free)/DF (Dairy free)/ Soy free life style on the thirteenth of this month (hmmm I'm not too superstitious) . Since then I have noticed an incredible amount of clarity in my thinking that even Prozac can't give me. It's as if, for the first time, I comprehend my own power. First and foremost I am surprised at the peace that I have eating this way. I am truly thankful for all the food I am allowed to eat. The key: I'm not doing this to loose weight.....if i was it wouldn't work. I want to feel like doing cartwheels, and getting up at god-forsaken hours every morning! I love my adventures and my little challenges for myself and this one tops them all. That's why I know I'll stick with it for sure.
My new favorite food ( so far ): Coconut milk yogurt.......so good.
Least favorite: rice tortillas......tastes like wet cardboard....terrible with a capital Yuck!


To start somewhere--ready or not?

I am incredibly conceited.

I am also (I hope) at least amusing.....if not incredibly interesting. Therefore I am asking that you would be gracious unto me and continue reading until I get a handle on this new fangled tech.......