
What Gwendolyn thinks about on monday morings

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"

-Whoever said this obviously wasn't "shooting" for a science degree

(The moon is very.... very.... far away from the stars)


Goals are tricky things

It should be obvious to all of you that although I like to make goals, unfortunately I seldom see them through. Like my goal to draw everyday this month….haven’t. Even. Started.

Accordingly, I did a little soul searching trying to figure out what makes our Gwendolyn tick (and what, in turn, makes me yawn). I made a list of things I have actually accomplished
  • Snapping with both hands equally loud
  • Blowing bubbles (chewing gum) this took me kind of a long time
  • Unwrapping a “Starburst” with my mouth really gross learning curve let me tell you
  • Curling my lip like Elvis from Dallas to Memphis…. approximately eight hours of looking out the window and trying to curl my lip…. Nevertheless, I can do it! (but only on one side lol)
  • Reading “more” this one has been a slow and steady climb. I already like to read, but the past few years I really kicked it up a notch (this year alone I have read twenty-four ½ books!)
  • Try everything once (both evil and benign) I plead the fifth. I will leave it up to your wild imaginations exactly what I have tried
  • Travel eleven countries, three continents…..

I’m sure there are more but those are all I can think of for now. The common factors: Time, Perseverance, room for creativity, starts with a dare of some kind, fun that makes the work worth while, and I just wanted to do it ( I never actually made it into a "goal").


Hell hath no "furry" like a woman scorned

Well, its one thing to be scorned by the male of our unpredictable species. I have had my share of disappointing men....hmmmm....there was "piano man" who spent all his time with me, but ended up asking out my best friend, there was "computer geek boy" who asked me to go out sometime and then disappeared off the face of the planet (only to call me months later to inform me that he was locked in a fridge at work and could I come get him out).....ah....no.., and most recently there was "Turtle guy" who gave me his number and his email and then never followed up when I called him.....what a looser!

Still these slights are trivial compared to the the boy who stood me up this morning.........Jake, our lab/husky! I decided to spend the wee hours outside playing with him before I got ready for work. He let me pet him for maybe two minutes before hightailing it back to the house....humpfh. Sigh.
You know its bad when the dog doesn't even crave your attention.......


~Hope deferred makes the heart sick~

There once was a girl: Bonnie Lou
Who wanted to go to SAGU
but she has no money
and (no) its not funny
What is our young hero to do?
She decided on art classes this year
but she was still queasy with fear
her heart full of strife
from her dead social life
her future was more than unclear.
So perhaps my dear readers you'd lend
her a shoulder, a hug, or a friend
for don't you all see
that that bonnie is me
so thanks in advance and THE END.


August Challenge!

This my friends shall be the month of the devastatingly devoted drawing diva!
But before I get into details lets look at last month's:
It started out really great but slowly went down hill (isn't that how it always goes?). I always brushed my teeth (I'm not THAT gross) but the black walnut started irritating my mouth after a week or two (It is pretty strong stuff). That in turn made it hard to floss. My mouth healed up but I still didn't take the time to floss some nights. Also I had a little trouble brushing in the morning, when are you supposed to do that anyway? Right when you get up? or after you eat? I aways eat when I'm headed out the door, so it never worked out. It ended up being almost lunch time before I remembered most days.
So I'll give myself a C+ on that one.

OK so on with August.

  1. Do something artistic everyday(more than just doodling during meetings).
  2. Try to use different mediums ( pastel, charcoal, paint etc...)
  3. At least ten minutes a day
  4. Have fun with it (More important than you might think).

Whoo Hoo!