
Things I'm learning from working In Dallas

  • The comic strip "Dilbert" gets more amusing the longer you work at an office
  • Copy machines are like willful children
  • Co-workers are also like willful children
  • While its OK to push ahead when exiting an airplane you have to wait for everyone in front of you when exiting a bus. (this gets old real quick let me tell you!)
  • It is NOT normal for older male co-workers to hang around your desk and sometimes its considered sexual harassment (go figure).
  • Sometimes homeless people pee on the street in front of your building.
  • Sometimes homeless people eat out of trashcans in front of you
  • You still shouldn't give them money (this is so hard for me!)
  • Never wear heels when you have to walk four blocks in the middle of summer in the city in Texas
  • There is always unhealthy food to be had in the break room if you want it.
  • Elevators hate me
  • Stairwells are scary
  • Cubicles are soul crushing
  • But office supplies are fun! (so are pay checks)
  • Two bedroom apartments down town cost $400,000 (and those are the ugly ones)
  • If you ride the bus you are a middle-aged, over-weight, white woman or poor. --I have yet to see an urban hipster, obvious tree-hugger, or business executive ---TV is misleading us!
  • There are more kinds of paper than you could ever imagine! Cardstock, hole punched, color paper (not to be confused with colored paper), recycled etc.....

I am so thankful to have a job, I really am.

What did you learn at your first real job?

1 comment:

  1. Lol. I love this list! As for the fifth bullet point, do I know who you are talking about?
