
Observations of a homeschooler

Walking around the local HS Co-op you will see many families:

The Geniuses. Bobby Genuis solved string theory, Ofcourse-we-don't-have-a-TV, your kid says "its a Birdy" theirs says "That's an African Sparrow".

The NOT-real- homeschoolers. They let their kids (gasp)read Harry Potter, watch Disney, Susie Not-real wears holster (or one of those new fandagled brand names). There are only two children

The Rabbits. There is a little Rabbit child in every one of your classes, and there are three about your age, many of them are adopted. Did you hear Mrs. Rabbit is expecting?

The Marines. All the kids are dressed alike, in blue Polo and khaki pants, the mother wears a jean skirt,children who refuse to skip chapel

The Religious. Completely bible based curriculum, Mathew, Mark, and Luke Religious can beat you in a debate about evolution....and will (even if you have already explained that you too are a creationist).
The Beginners. They have every one's report card and transcripts up-to-date, they have bought a brand new science kit they will never use, keep asking questions like "does this count for credit?", they have scheduled class times, and tests.

The Hermits. You will not see them at Co-op, they home-church.....you are not really sure how you met them.

The Atheists. You might not know it now, but they are there. Letting their children lerk around your sweet christian ones. They are Vegetarians and......Evolutionists.

Fellow homeschoolers: have I missed any?
Everyone else: Is does public school have its "types" too?


  1. You forgot the ultra-conservatives.

  2. I love observations of a homeschooler! There are types in public school as well, but I'm pretty sure you've seen them all in every bad horror movie.

    You've got the Jocks and Cheerleaders; the AP students; the band nerds (we totally stick together); the Stu-co super involved students (those over-achievers); the creepy, socially awkward students that always sit in the back of the class; and finally, you've got the former-homeschooler (yes, I met a few). They always made you realize just how little public school actually teaches.

    Me, I was the AP student/band nerd.
