

I have been a less than perfectly attentive blogger this week thanks to an unfortunate meeting with an SUV on Hwy 35. Thank you everyone for your prayers and concern


Monday morning Poem

More About People

When people aren't asking questions
They're making suggestions
And when they're not doing one of those
They're either looking over your shoulder or stepping on your toes
And then as if that weren't enough to annoy you
They employ you.
Anybody at leisure Incurs everybody's displeasure.
It seems to be very irking
To people at work to see other people not working,
So they tell you that work is wonderful medicine,
Just look at Firestone and Ford and Edison,
And they lecture you till they're out of breath or something
And then if you don't succumb they starve you to death or something.
All of which results in a nasty quirk:
That if you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work!

~Ogden Nash


Conflict of interests

Questions I ask myself at the end of the day:

Was my desire to____ greater than my desire to_____today?

Please God: Please myself

Eat right and feel good: binge

Save my money: spend my money

Give: be selfish

be kind and helpful: avoid others

......Et Cetrea, Et Cetrea

To be cliche......."an unexamined life is not worth living"~Socrates


Things I'm learning from working In Dallas

  • The comic strip "Dilbert" gets more amusing the longer you work at an office
  • Copy machines are like willful children
  • Co-workers are also like willful children
  • While its OK to push ahead when exiting an airplane you have to wait for everyone in front of you when exiting a bus. (this gets old real quick let me tell you!)
  • It is NOT normal for older male co-workers to hang around your desk and sometimes its considered sexual harassment (go figure).
  • Sometimes homeless people pee on the street in front of your building.
  • Sometimes homeless people eat out of trashcans in front of you
  • You still shouldn't give them money (this is so hard for me!)
  • Never wear heels when you have to walk four blocks in the middle of summer in the city in Texas
  • There is always unhealthy food to be had in the break room if you want it.
  • Elevators hate me
  • Stairwells are scary
  • Cubicles are soul crushing
  • But office supplies are fun! (so are pay checks)
  • Two bedroom apartments down town cost $400,000 (and those are the ugly ones)
  • If you ride the bus you are a middle-aged, over-weight, white woman or poor. --I have yet to see an urban hipster, obvious tree-hugger, or business executive ---TV is misleading us!
  • There are more kinds of paper than you could ever imagine! Cardstock, hole punched, color paper (not to be confused with colored paper), recycled etc.....

I am so thankful to have a job, I really am.

What did you learn at your first real job?


Poem for a Monday morning

"If Rabbit was bigger,
And fatter, And stronger-
Or bigger than Tigger-
If Tigger was smaller,
Then Tigger's bad habit
Of bouncing at Rabbit
Would matter no longer-
If Rabbit was taller".

~A.A. Milne


Kung Fu Master!

So I've been working on my Kung Fu skills this week and I'm exhausted. I'm working on my staff fighting so I get to wield a giant pole (It makes me feel pretty dangerous). We also did some Tiger forms last night (rawr!).I love it, but like I said, I'm beat. On Mon/Wed I go to work and then immediately go to Mansfield for martial arts class--not getting home till nine. This and babysitting for My sister's wonderful family on the other days has pretty much worn me out. Thankfully I get Friday evening off :)


SAGU!--I love story

I found a college! I am so excited....more in a minute..

I have always wanted to go to Patric Henry College in Virgina. It is the IVY league for homeschoolers. And In my mind --the heaven of all schools. So I spent my life up to now thinking lustful, coveting, envious thoughts about this school that I was in desperate to get into.
So what if there was no art program, no sociology programs......who cared...it's full of homeschool celebrities like Brett and Alex Harris and children of HSLD lawyers. My father (who is amazing) builds banjos and I am a hippie, It would NOT have been a good fit. Yet, I would have willingly flung myself into that world of lawyers and congressmen in training.....just to be part of such a regal group of people. I was in love. Did I mention the reading list? yes there is a reading list about a mile long JUST TO GET IN THE DOORS! The academic quality is extremely important to me and It only strengthened my infatuation.
But alas it wasn't meant to be (God is one smart cookie I tell you!).
I couldn't get in (I wasn't smart enough) and I couldn't pay for it (not even close)
.....so I told myself to forget it, move on.

However, I secretly thought I should be at PHC just the same. I never was able to get to the point of loving any other school. UT Tyler just can't compare to Christian and highly educated. Infact it can't compare to much of anything. I assumed that I would never love college again. Just as I left the High school scene early, I anticipated never going back to live at any campus.

But the most amazing thing happened! I went to Visit Southwestern Assemblies of God. Then I realized that what I though was unique to Patric Henry was in reality something I could find elsewhere (maybe even more so). It was a Chrisitan environment, geared to help you grow spirituality while you learn...24 hours of mandatory Bible classes (YAY!), and a degree I can really sink my teeth into! The school is more missions focused and down to earth then PHC and I don't feel like everyone on campus will be a republican (that's a good thing). The admissions counselor I saw was excellent and the Staff was friendly. The campus is close to home (Waxahachie) so I know the area back and forth. But the thing that was the most amazing was the peace I felt walking on campus....unlike any other school I have visited.
I still can't pay for it.....but I think with some scrimping and pinching I can make it. I am in love again and it feels great!

P.S. I learned to use links today...can you tell?


Monthly Challenge-July

Hello everyone,
Today is July first and it is time, once again, for my over zealous perfectionistic side to take over. This will be the month of the Tantalizing Toothys.

Goal: Beautify those crunchers till they give people sun burns with every smile.

  1. Brush teeth twice a day. I am very good about brushing at night, but sometimes in the morning I just don't make it there....Now is the time to change that.

  2. Floss at night. Again I do this sometimes..but not every time like I should.

  3. Black walnut at night. This miracle remedy not only whitens teeth naturally, it boosts your immune system at the same time!..the only down side is that it's a little bitter.
So there you have it. The idea is to do this every day No Matter What! Even if I forget and go to bed...I have to get up. Even if *GASP* I don't feel like it!

So what are YOU waiting for? Whats your July monthly challenge?
*when chooseing a challenge I sugesst nothing weightloss related as this tends to become a burden. This is suposed to be fun remember!